davewoodman 12th April 2013

Peg has been my best friend for at least 40 years. I have had only two best friends in my life. The first was when I was a child. One is fortunate to find a truly best friend to share the good times and the bad. We met at a coffee counter in Evanston when I was laughing over reading Phyllis Dillers "House Keeping Hints". She inquired, and we shared and bonded. There are more important things in life than cleaning house. I was drawn to her because of her friendly nature, her way of reaching out to strangers, finding ways to compliment them. She was a person to emulate. We found a few like souls, and had many years of our "doll parties", doll lovers who enjoyed lunch at each others homes ond friendly chatter. Those were the days! Peg and I also loved to swim daily in the summer in Lake Michigan. In later years, we met weekly for pancakes and conversation. We shared so much in our lives. We both had sons born July 4th, and grand-daughter born the same year. She was very special! I miss her, but i am extremely grateful to have known her. She was an important part of my life. To her memory, with love, Elaine Macejak 3-18-2013